How To Hang IKEA Ribba Picture Frames: 6 Easy Ways With Steps & Video

I recently made a trip to IKEA to grab some of their popular Ribba frames with mattes. I love the chunky look of this Ribba frame. BUT, I had no idea what the back of the frame looked like until I got home.

I was surprised to see the frame mounting hanger was set about an inch inside that frame. It’s really confusing. But, no worries. I’ve found 6 EASY WAYS to hang an IKEA Ribba Picture Frame.

And, 2 of those ways use Command Strips. That means no screws or nails are used. SO, they’ll leave no holes in your walls. Those 2 ways are definitely my favorite!

Back of a Ribba Picture Frame for a post with instructions to hang the IKEA ribba.
Star Wars fans, you can see that Star Wars blueprint art on Etsy here. Keep reading to see how to hang ikea ribba frames without wire, with command strips, and other ideas.

You can also use some of these options when you need to know how to hang deep picture frames from any other store.

How To Hang Ribba Frames – Video

Are Ribba frames impossible to hang? Not at all. Watch this video to see me show the 6 ways for hanging Ikea Ribba Frames without nails, with nails, with command strips, and more!

6 Best Ways To Hang IKEA Ribba Picture Frames - 2 Of These Leave NO HOLES In Your Walls!

Now, let’s get to the written instructions for how to hang Ribba frames from Ikea!

How To Hang IKEA Ribba Frames

1. Frame On Nails Or Screws

First, let’s start with the basics. And, that’s just hanging the frame itself on a drywall anchor and screw or a nail. BUT, there is a problem with doing it this way.

There are many negative comments online about the Ribba frame bowing in the middle when it’s hung by just one spot at the top of the frame.

Image illustrates hanging instructions for a Ribba Picture frame using screws or nails.
If you hang Ribba frames by a single nail or screw seems to cause a hump to form, over time.

I definitely don’t want a hump at the top of my frame. So, if I wanted to hang my frames this way, I’d use 2 screws or nails near the corners of the frame.

That will help to distribute the weight of the frame to the corners. And hopefully prevent any bowing.

2. Hanging Hardware On Long Screws & Drywall Anchor

The next option is to use the sawtooth hanger on the back of the Ribba frame to hang it. The best way to do that is to buy a drywall anchor and screw set with a long screw.

The screw needs to be long enough to stick out about 1″ from the wall. That way the hanger hardware can be hung on the screw head.

Image shows a drywall anchor with a long screw used to hang an IKEA ribba frame.
You can see a drywall anchor with a long screw sticking out of it in my hand.

3. Picture Hanging Wire

Next up is picture hanging wire. You’ll need to wrap that wire around the hanger attached to the back of the Ribba picture frame. Wrap it multiple times to make a strong loop.

The loop will need to be about 1″ or 1 1/2″ long so that the wire loop can be hung on a screw or nail. But there is a negative to this option too.

Image shows picture hanging wire on the IKEA picture frame sawtooth hanger.
Picture hanging wire can be wrapped and secured on the Ribba Frame hardware.

If you are hanging multiple frames in a row, the loops will all need to be the exact same length. Which can be difficult to do.

Another possible nuisance will be getting the length of the loop right. If it’s too short, it won’t reach the screw or nail. If it’s too long, the top of the frame will lean out from the wall.

Don’t worry, I have easier options for how to hang Ribba frames coming up!

4. Zip Ties or Utility Ties

You can also use Zip Ties or Utility Ties on the Ribba Hanger. The Ties are easier to use than wire. But you’ll still have to get the length the SAME to hang pictures in a row.

And, you’ll have to figure out what length is not too short or too long when hanging the picture frame.

Image shows zip tie used to hang an IKEA ribba picture frame.
A zip tie is also strong enough to hold the weight of the frame.

5. 3M Command Canvas Hangers

NOW, let’s talk about THE EASIEST WAY! And, that’s by hanging Ikea Ribba frames with command strips. I LOVE command strips, I use them to hang anything I can.

To be safe, I used 2 – 3M Command Canvas Hangers on each picture frame. The Canvas Hangers give the Ribba Frame a nice ledge to sit on.

But, I turned them sideways to avoid the canvas notching at the top of the canvas hangers. I used 2 of them so that the weight of the frame would be distributed to the 2 corners of the frame.

Image shows 3M Command Canvas Hangers being used to hang an IKEA ribba picture frame.
You can see the 2 canvas hangers for this frame on the wall. This is my favorite of the 6 ways for how to hang Ikea frames with deep open backs.

Using these Canvas Hangers made hanging the Ribba Frames in a row so easy! I just used my level and a pencil to mark the wall. Then stuck the hangers to the wall at those pencil markers. Easy, right?!

You can find the Canvas Hangers I used on Amazon. And, here’s a cheaper version by another company that probably works just as well.

6. Wood Blocks With Command Strips

And, last but not least, instead of buying those canvas hangers, you can use long pieces of scrap lumber instead.

Just stick a 3M Command Strip, or two, to the wood block. Stick that wood block to the wall. Then hang the frame on that. You can see the command strips I’d use on Amazon.

Image shows a wood block being used to hang an IKEA Ribba Picture Frame.
You can also hang Ikea Ribba Frames on a long block of scrap wood.

Just be sure to use a wood block that is long enough to cover most of the length of the frame. That way, you’ll avoid creating that dreaded hump along the top when hanging Ikea Ribba frames from the center.

That’s it for this list of ways to hang an IKEA Ribba Picture Frame. I hope this helped and good luck hanging Ribba frames in your home!

Image shows someone hanging ribba frames for a post about how to hang ikea ribba frames, six different ways. How to hang ribba frames.
Don’t forget to save or share these tips for hanging Ikea Ribba Frames.

Here’s a few more of my favorite “Best of Lists”.

Image shows an IKEA Ribba Picture Frame with text that says "6 ways to hang a ribba". Instructions for hanging ribba frame.
Star Wars fans, you can see that Star Wars blueprint art on Etsy here.

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Feeling inspired? Now that you’ve seen all 6 of these IKEA Ribba Picture Frame Instructions for hanging, get busy and hang your Ribba frame. You can do it!