Testing 6 Ways To Remove Scratches On Plates And Dishes: One Winner! (Video & Steps)

I just tested 6 ways people online said that you can remove scratches on plates and dishes. A few worked. But there was ONE CLEAR WINNER!

How To Remove Scratches On Plates And Dishes

How annoying are those black or gray scratches on plates and dishes??? I’m not a fan. And for years, I never actually realized that you could get rid of them. I just assumed they were permanent.

But they’re NOT, guys! I just tested 6 ways to clean scratches off dishes and plates. And, I’m happy to say, I found an easy fix for silverware plate scratches.

Image of gray silverware plate scratches for a post with ways to clean and remove scratches on plates and dishes.
Let’s figure out how to get rid of gray silverware scratches on plates.

So, let’s get to those tests and everything you need to know to get started.

Let’s get to that list of ways to remove black scratches on plates

Household cleaners being tested for ways to get rid of gray silverware plate scratches.
Here’s some of what I used for these tests.

How To Remove Scratches On Dishes (Video Steps)

Want to see how I tested these methods? Watch this video for a look at all 6 ways I tested to get rid of scratches on dishes and plates. Scroll down to see the written list and tips.

Testing 6 Ways To Remove Scratches On Plates And Dishes With Shocking Results!

Ways To Get Rid Of Scratches On Dishes And Plates

After checking multiple recommendations online, I picked these 6 options to test on the black scratches on my plates.

Scotch-Brite non-scratch scrubbing pad.
I used this non-scratch pad for all 6 tests.

For ALL 6 of these tests I used a Scotch-Brite Non Scratch Scrubbing Pad, rinsed between each test.

1. Baking Soda

For the Baking Soda test, I sprinkled a couple tablespoons of baking soda on a damp non-scratch pad. Then I scrubbed the black scratches on a plate for about 1 1/2 minutes.

Baking soda on a non-scratch scour pad.
Baking soda sprinkled on a damp scour pad.

But, I was really putting a lot of effort into the scrub. I was pretty disappointed by the results with this one. I would say that it reduced the darkness of the scratches by only 50%.

After this test, I wouldn’t recommend Baking Soda as a good way to remove black scratches on plates.

After using baking soda to remove black scratches on plates and dishes.
Baking soda was only able to remove about 50% of the gray silverware plate scratches.

2. Hydrogen Peroxide

Next up is Hydrogen Peroxide. It’s great for cleaning grout and even oil stains on fabric. So, I thought it might work on silverware scratches on plates too.

For this test I put a paper towel over the plate, then soaked the paper towel in Hydrogen Peroxide. The paper towel keeps the whole plate wet, instead of all of the liquid pooling in the middle.

Hydrogen Peroxide on a paper towel.
I poured enough peroxide on this towel so that it spread across the entire plate.

After letting it soak for 10 minutes, I peeled off the paper towel and scrubbed with my non-scratch pad again. After a couple minutes of scrubbing there was ZERO change. All of the scratches were still there.

So, hydrogen peroxide can’t get rid of scratches on plates and dishes.

3. Vinegar

Test number 3 is Distilled White Vinegar (5% Acidity). This is the normal vinegar you can find in grocery stores. Again, vinegar is great for cleaning many things, including hard water stains on glass.

Using vinegar to try to remove scratches on dishes.
I had high hopes for vinegar. But, it didn’t really do much.

I hoped vinegar could work on plate scratches too. For this test, I placed a paper towel over the plate then poured on enough vinegar to soak the paper towel. Then I let that sit for 10 minutes.

When the 10 minutes was up, I removed the towel and started scrubbing with the non-scratch pad. After 2 minutes of scrubbing, there wasn’t really any reduction in the dark gray scratches on the plates.

Again, I wouldn’t recommend this as a great option.

Vinegar and baking soda on a plate with silverware scratches.
Vinegar didn’t do much alone. But scrubbing with the baking soda added helped.

4. Vinegar & Baking Soda

Next up, I used the plate covered in vinegar, that I just scrubbed, and added a couple tablespoons of Baking Soda. Then I scrubbed that mixture.

And, after a couple minutes of scrubbing, there was a 50% reduction in the scratches. But, there was a 50% reduction in just baking soda alone. So, it was probably just the Baking Soda that had any effect.

Again, I wasn’t loving this option for cleaning scratches on plates and dishes.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Vinegar tests.
Here’s what the peroxide plate and vinegar and baking soda plate looked like AFTER trying to clean the scratches off. The right side is better, but still not great!

5. Lemon & Salt

For this test, I cut a lemon in half and sprinkled a bunch of salt on a plate. Then I used that lemon to scrub the scratches. But, after about 30 seconds, I realized the salt was probably just pushed inside the lemon.

So, it wasn’t giving me any scrubbing power. Then, I squeezed out the lemon on the plate, added more salt, and started scrubbing with the scrubbing pad.

Using salt and lemon on a scratched up plate.
Using the lemon to scrub the salt wasn’t great. So, I switched to the blue pad.

After a couple minutes, not much had changed again. I’m calling this test a fail too.

6. Bar Keepers Friend

Then I grabbed my Bar Keepers Friend for the next test. I sprinkled about 2 tablespoons onto a plate, then scrubbed at it with a damp, non-scratch pad. And, I’m happy to report it worked!!

See The Highly-Rated Bar Keepers Friend I Used On Amazon.

Bar Keepers Friend on a plate with knife scratch marks.
Bar Keepers Friend removed all of the scratch marks in about 1 minute!

After about 1 minutes worth of scrubbing the scratches were GONE. I couldn’t believe how fantastically Bar Keepers Friend worked on silverware scratches.

In fact, it was so fantastic, I used it to clean all of the plates from the previous tests. And, it 100% removed the scratches on those plates too! This is now my GO TO for silverware plate scratches.

Plate after removing knife scratches.
This plate looks NEW again!

Looking for a good scrubbing pad for this cleaning project? I used a Scotch-Brite Non Scratch Scrubbing Pad.

How Do You Get GREY Scratches Out Of Dishes?

After testing 6 different ways to get grey scratches out of dishes, Bar Keepers Friend worked the best for me. It managed to remove over 99% of all visible grey scratches on my dishes.

Just use a damp scrubbing pad and a sprinkle of Bar Keepers Friend to lightly scrub the silverware scratches off plates and dishes. Then wash as usual, before using.

After removing scratches on plates and dishes.
Look at how amazing these plates look after using Bar Keepers Friend to get scratches out.

How Do You Get Scratches Out Of Stoneware Plates?

The best way to get scratches out of stoneware plates is with Bar Keepers Friend Cleanser. Pour some of the powder on a scratched plate, then scrub the scratches off with a damp, non-scratch scrubbing pad.

Once you’ve removed the scratches on stoneware plates and dishes, wash them with dish soap and water before using them again. It’s a quick and easy fix.

How Do You Remove Scratches From Silverware Plates?

You can remove silverware scratches on plates and dishes with Bar Keepers Friend Cleanser. After testing 6 options, Bar Keepers Friend was easily the best at removing scratches from silverware on plates.

Use a healthy sprinkle of Bar Keepers Friend on your scratched plate, then scrub the silverware scratches with a damp scrubbing sponge. You can see how I do this in the video above.

See The Highly-Rated Bar Keepers Friend I Used On Amazon.

Image of gray silverware plate scratches for a post with ways to clean and remove scratches on plates and dishes.
Don’t forget to save or share these tips!

That’s it for how to remove scratches on plates and dishes. I hope this helped! Now, here’s a few more posts you might like.

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Feeling inspired? Now you’ve seen how to remove scratches on dishes and plates, get to it. It’s easy!